
I became a bit obsessed with the 1920s, I admit, though the ABC (that’s the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, not the other one) show Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. Of course the mysteries are great stories. But the flapper character The Honourable Phryne Fisher (played by Essie Davis) is the Bee’s Knees, to use an expression of the time. And Detective Inspector Jack Robinson has most of the fans swooning.

And the clothes, and the styles! Costume designer Marion Boyce did such an amazing job recreating the styles of the 1920s, and the set design is equally amazing.

So here at the Roaring 20s I’m going to do my best to recreate the feel of the 1920s – just for fun and on a much more limited budget than they have for television. But in this blog I will share some of my thoughts and adventures and finds. And I really hope that those of you out there also fascinated with the Roaring 20s will give me some ideas and suggestions and comments.

Welcome (back) to the 20s! (Although now it is the 2020s…)